Sunday, 21 November 2010

Hounslow, Whitton Road c1905

The pub on the right has survived. The pub on the left has gone. If anyone knows the name of the pub on the left please let me know. Postcard by Hutchinsons of Wimbledon.

Update - March 6th 2011 - I think the pub on the left was called the Eagle Tavern and the pub on the right was called the Railway Hotel (it is now called the Shire Horse). Please contact me if you can either confirm or deny this.

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  1. Well well. I had no idea that there was a pub on the opposite corner to the Shire Horse. It looks like Brandon's of Putney owned it. I wonder if they inherited it from Cole's brewery of Twickenham when they took them over. Cole's brewery was at the site of the old Royal Mail postal sorting office opposite Twickenham station.

  2. Sadly, Shire house is no longer there .. it's been converted into, what appear to be residential units this year :(



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