Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Wokingham, Berkshire, Broad Street c1919

Wokingham, Berkshire, Broad Street c1919. Postcard published by WHA. Although the WHA postcard business published many postcards of Berkshire, they were all of the eastern part of Berkshire. Of the 3500 or so identified WHA postcards (out of a total of over 7000 including duplicated numbers) this postcard is the furthest west Berkshire WHA postcard and the only WHA postcard of Wokingham that I have seen. It was produced after William Henry Applebee's tragic early death in 1915. Applebee's widow Lucy and his step-brother Charles Mitchell continued the WHA business up until the late 1920s.

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  1. Interesting information on the WHA postcards. And once again you have great views. I love this blog!

  2. This part of the street hasn't changed too much. Even the painted sign for Pither, English Meat Purveyor is still there, although the butcher is long gone.



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